Citizens Property Insurance Corporation – Your Guide to Florida’s Property Insurance

In the realm of property insurance, where securing coverage can sometimes feel like navigating a turbulent sea, the Citizens Property Insurance Corporation stands as a beacon of stability for Floridians. Established as a not-for-profit entity by the state legislature, Citizens serves as the insurer of last resort, offering essential coverage to homeowners who find themselves unable to obtain it through the traditional private market.

Citizens Property Insurance Corporation

Whether it’s due to residing in a high-risk coastal area prone to hurricanes or facing other unique challenges that make obtaining private insurance difficult, Citizens steps in to provide a crucial safety net. By offering a variety of coverage options, including windstorm and general property insurance, Citizens helps ensure that Floridians can protect their homes and have peace of mind, even in the face of uncertainty.

What is Citizens Property Insurance Corporation?

Citizens Property Insurance Corporation is a not-for-profit, government-created insurer of last resort in the state of Florida. It was established in 2002 to provide property insurance to eligible Florida property owners who are unable to find coverage in the private market.  

Key Points:

  • Purpose: It serves as a safety net for property owners who cannot obtain insurance from private companies due to various reasons, such as living in high-risk areas prone to hurricanes or other natural disasters.  
  • Coverage: It offers various types of property insurance, including homeowners insurance, dwelling fire insurance, and commercial residential insurance.  
  • Funding: It is primarily funded by policyholder premiums. However, in cases of severe losses due to catastrophic events, it has the authority to levy assessments on most Florida policyholders to cover the deficit.  
  • Governance: It operates under the statutory requirements set by the Florida Legislature and is overseen by a Board of Governors.  
  • Goal: While it aims to provide necessary insurance coverage, it also encourages policyholders to seek coverage in the private market whenever possible through initiatives like its Depopulation Program and the Property Insurance Clearinghouse.

Benefits of Citizens Property Insurance Corporation

  • Essential Coverage: Citizens provides a crucial safety net for property owners in Florida who are unable to obtain coverage in the private market due to various reasons, such as high-risk locations or property conditions.
  • Competitive Rates: While not always the cheapest option, Citizens aims to offer rates that are competitive with the private market, especially for high-risk properties.
  • State-Backed Stability: As a government-created entity, Citizens offers a level of stability and financial strength that may be reassuring to policyholders compared to smaller private insurers.
  • Wide Range of Coverage Options: Citizens offers a variety of coverage options, including homeowners, dwelling fire, commercial residential, and commercial non-residential policies, catering to different needs and property types.
  • Additional Benefits: Depending on the policy type, Citizens may offer additional benefits such as coverage for catastrophic ground cover collapse, debris removal, loss assessment, and more.
  • Managed Repair Program: For eligible claims, Citizens offers a Managed Repair Program where they handle the repairs directly, potentially streamlining the claims process for policyholders.

Overall, the primary benefit of Citizens insurance is its role as a safety net, providing essential coverage to those who would otherwise be left uninsured.

It offers stability, a range of coverage options, and potentially competitive rates for high-risk properties. However, it’s important to compare options and consider individual needs before choosing any insurance provider.

Types of Coverage Offered

Citizens offers a variety of property insurance policies, including:

  • Homeowners Insurance: Covers damage to your home and personal belongings from perils such as fire, theft, and windstorms.
  • Condominium Unit Owners Insurance: Protects your condo unit and personal property.
  • Mobile Homeowners Insurance: Provides coverage for mobile homes and their contents.
  • Dwelling Fire Insurance: Covers rental properties and vacation homes.
  • Commercial Property Insurance: Protects businesses from property damage and loss of income.

Eligibility for Citizens

  1. To be eligible for Citizens insurance, you must:
  2. Be a Florida resident.
  3. Own the property you want to insure.
  4. Have been unable to obtain coverage from at least two private insurers.

How to Get a Citizens Policy

To obtain a Citizens Property Insurance Corporation policy, you must follow these steps:

  1. Contact an Authorized Insurance Agent: Citizens policies are exclusively sold through independent insurance agents appointed to represent the company. You can find an agent near you by using the “Find an Agent” tool on Citizens’ website or by contacting Citizens’ Customer Care Center.
  2. Check Eligibility: Not all Florida property owners are eligible for Citizens coverage. You must meet specific criteria, which generally include being unable to obtain coverage in the private market. Your agent will assist you in determining your eligibility.  
  3. Provide Required Information: Your agent will need information about your property, such as its location, age, construction type, and any existing coverage. Be prepared to provide documents like a recent wind mitigation inspection report or a four-point inspection report.
  4. Obtain a Quote: Once your information is collected, your agent will provide you with a quote for a Citizens policy. Review the quote carefully, including the coverage limits, deductibles, and premium costs.
  5. Complete the Application: If you decide to proceed, your agent will guide you through the application process. You’ll need to provide additional information and sign necessary documents.
  6. Pay the Premium: Once your application is approved, you’ll need to pay the premium to finalize the policy.
  7. Receive Policy Documents: After your payment is processed, you’ll receive your policy documents from your agent. Review them carefully to ensure you understand your coverage and any exclusions.

Applying for Citizens Insurance

You can apply for Citizens insurance through an authorized insurance agent or directly through Citizens’ website. The application process typically involves providing information about your property, your insurance history, and any previous claims you have filed.

Understanding Citizens Rates and Assessments

Citizens Property Insurance Corporation’s rates and assessments are crucial aspects to understand when considering a policy with them.


  • Citizens strives to maintain competitive rates compared to the private market.
  • Rates are influenced by factors like property location, type, construction, and coverage options.
  • Annual rate increases are subject to regulatory approval.  


  • Assessments are additional charges levied on policyholders to cover Citizens’ deficits following significant losses from events like hurricanes.  
  • Two main types of assessments:
  • Citizens Policyholder Surcharge: Up to 15% of premium, only applies to Citizens policyholders.  
  • Emergency Assessment: Up to 10% of premium annually, can apply to both Citizens and private market policyholders.  
  • Assessments can last for multiple years until deficits are cleared.  

They impact all types of insurance policies, not just property insurance.  

Key Points:

  • Assessments can significantly increase the overall cost of insurance.  
  • Private market policyholders are also subject to emergency assessments, not just Citizens policyholders.  
  • Citizens provides a “True Cost Calculator” on its website to help estimate potential assessment impacts.  
  • Understanding the potential for assessments is vital when comparing Citizens to private market options.

Overall, Citizens offers a crucial safety net for property owners unable to secure private coverage. However, it’s important to weigh the potential for assessments against the benefits of coverage when making an informed decision.

Citizens vs. Private Insurance

Choosing between Citizens Property Insurance Corporation and a private insurer is a crucial decision for Florida property owners. Here’s a breakdown to help you make an informed choice:

FactorsCitizensPrivate Insurance
Coverage Options  Limited coverage options, may exclude certain perils or have lower coverage limits.More extensive coverage options available, potentially including additional perils, higher limits, and customizable endorsements.
PremiumsGenerally lower premiums compared to private market.Premiums can be higher, but may offer more value for the price with broader coverage.
AssessmentsSubject to assessments (surcharges and emergency assessments) to cover deficits following significant losses.Not subject to assessments, providing more predictable costs.
Financial StabilityBacked by the state of Florida, offering financial stability and ensuring claims payment even after major events.Financial stability depends on the specific insurer and its financial strength ratings.
Customer ServiceCan have longer wait times and less personalized service due to high call volumes and limited resources.Can offer more responsive and personalized customer service, depending on the insurer.  
Flexibility and ChoiceLimited flexibility in terms of coverage options and policy customization.More choices of insurers and policies, allowing customization to meet specific needs.
Depopulation EffortsThe state actively encourages policyholders to transition to private insurers whenever possible.No such pressure to switch insurers.

Tips for Citizens Policyholders

Understand Your Policy:

  • Thoroughly review your policy documents, including coverage limits, deductibles, and exclusions.
  • Clarify any uncertainties with your insurance agent.
  • Be aware of potential assessments and how they may impact your costs.

Mitigate Risks:

  • Take proactive steps to reduce the risk of damage to your property.
  • Implement mitigation measures, such as hurricane shutters, roof reinforcements, and elevated foundations.
  • Inquire about discounts for mitigation efforts with your agent.

Stay Informed:

  • Regularly check Citizens’ website for updates on policies, procedures, and potential changes.
  • Maintain open communication with your insurance agent.
  • Stay updated on weather conditions and potential hazards in your area.

Prepare for Hurricanes:

  • Develop a hurricane preparedness plan, including evacuation routes and emergency supplies.
  • Secure your property before a storm approaches.
  • Document your belongings and property condition with photos and videos.

File Claims Promptly:

  • Report any damage to your property to Citizens as soon as possible.
  • Provide all necessary documentation to support your claim.
  • Be patient during the claims process and follow up with your agent or adjuster if needed.

Explore Private Market Options:

  • Periodically check if you qualify for coverage in the private market.
  • Obtain quotes from multiple insurers to compare rates and coverage options.
  • Consider switching to a private insurer if it offers better value or meets your needs more effectively.

Communicate with Citizens:

  • Contact Citizens’ Customer Care Center if you have any questions or concerns about your policy or claims.
  • Utilize the resources available on Citizens’ website, such as FAQs and online tools.
  • Provide feedback to Citizens about your experiences and suggestions for improvement.

FAQs About Citizens Property Insurance Corporation

What is Citizens’ role in the Florida insurance market?

Citizens serves as the state’s insurer of last resort, providing coverage to homeowners who are unable to obtain it in the private market.

How are Citizens’ rates determined?

Citizens’ rates are regulated by the state and are designed to be actuarially sound, meaning that they are sufficient to cover expected losses and expenses.

What types of property does Citizens insure?

Citizens insures a variety of residential and commercial properties, including homes, condos, mobile homes, rental properties, and businesses.

How do I file a claim with Citizens?

You can file a claim with Citizens online, by phone, or through your insurance agent.

What should I do if I’m not satisfied with Citizens’ service?

You can contact Citizens’ customer service department to discuss any concerns you have. You can also file a complaint with the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation.


Citizens Property Insurance Corporation plays a vital role in the Florida insurance market, providing essential coverage to homeowners who might otherwise be left without protection. While Citizens is not a substitute for private insurance, it offers a valuable safety net for those who need it.