www.tellbostonpizza.com Boston Pizza Customer Satisfaction Survey

Have you dined at Boston Pizza recently? If so, they’d love to hear about your experience! Boston Pizza offers a customer satisfaction survey (www.tellbostonpizza.com Boston Pizza Customer Satisfaction Survey) specifically designed to gather feedback from diners like you. By taking a few minutes to complete the survey, you can help Boston Pizza understand what they’re doing well and where they can improve.

www.tellbostonpizza.com Boston Pizza Customer Satisfaction Survey

Share your feedback about your recent Boston Pizza experience at www.tellbostonpizza.com Boston Pizza Customer Satisfaction Survey. Take the official Boston Pizza Customer Satisfaction Survey and help them improve!

Boston Pizza Customer Satisfaction Survey

In today’s competitive restaurant industry, understanding and catering to customer needs are paramount. Boston Pizza recognizes the significance of customer feedback in shaping its dining experience. The Boston Pizza Customer Satisfaction Survey, hosted at www.tellbostonpizza.com, serves as a platform for customers to share their opinions and experiences.

Boston Pizza, a Canadian-based restaurant chain, is renowned for its diverse menu offerings, including pizzas, pasta, burgers, and more. With over 400 locations across Canada and abroad, Boston Pizza is committed to delivering exceptional service and cuisine to its patrons.

Why Share Your Feedback at Boston Pizza?

By sharing your honest feedback, you’re helping Boston Pizza create an even better dining experience for everyone.  Your opinion matters!  Here are some reasons to take the survey:

  • Make a Difference: Your feedback directly impacts how Boston Pizza operates. Positive comments can encourage them to keep doing what they’re doing right, while constructive criticism allows them to improve areas that might be lacking.
  • Quick and Easy: The survey should only take a few minutes of your time to complete.
  • A Chance to Win!

How to Take the Boston Pizza Customer Satisfaction Survey

  1. Visit www.tellbostonpizza.com [invalid URL removed] on your web browser.
  2. You’ll be greeted by the Boston Pizza survey landing page.
  3. Enter the 16-digit survey code located on your recent Boston Pizza receipt.  This code ensures your feedback is linked to your specific visit.
  4. Answer the survey questions honestly.  The questions will focus on your recent experience at Boston Pizza, including food quality, service, cleanliness, and overall satisfaction.
  5. Once you’ve completed the survey, submit your responses.

What You’ll Need

  • Your recent Boston Pizza receipt containing the 16-digit survey code.
  • A few minutes of your time to share your feedback.

Tips for a More Impactful Survey Response

  • Be Specific: Don’t just say “good” or “bad.” Mention specific dishes you enjoyed or areas where service could be improved.
  • Balance Feedback: While highlighting areas for improvement is important, acknowledge positive aspects of your visit as well.
  • Constructive Criticism is Key: Focus on solutions and suggestions, not just complaints.
  • Keep it Concise: While detailed feedback is valuable, aim for clear and concise answers.

What to Expect in the Survey

The Boston Pizza Customer Satisfaction Survey is designed to gather your feedback on various aspects of your dining experience. You can expect questions about:

  • The food quality and taste
  • The friendliness and helpfulness of the staff
  • The cleanliness and atmosphere of the restaurant
  • The speed of service
  • Overall satisfaction with your visit

How Long Does the Survey Take?

The Boston Pizza Customer Satisfaction Survey is designed to be quick and easy to complete.  Most users can finish the survey in 5-10 minutes.


Is there a deadline to take the survey?

The survey deadline is typically printed on your receipt. Generally, you have a few weeks to complete it after your visit.

Do I need to make a purchase to take the survey?

Yes, you will need a valid receipt from a recent Boston Pizza visit to access the survey.

Can I take the survey on my phone?

Yes, the survey is mobile-friendly and can be accessed from any internet-connected device.

Is there a reward for taking the survey?

Some Boston Pizza locations offer a chance to win a prize for completing the survey. Check the details on your receipt or ask your server for more information.

What if I don’t have my receipt or can’t remember the survey code?

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to access the survey without the survey code. However, you can always contact Boston Pizza directly through their website https://bostonpizza.com/en/contact-us.html to share your feedback.

I don’t have my receipt with the survey code. Can I still take the survey?

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to participate in the survey without the unique code from your receipt.  The code links your feedback to your specific visit, allowing Boston Pizza to gather valuable insights.

Is the survey available in French?

Boston Pizza operates in Canada, and the survey should be available in both English and French.  When you access the survey site, you may see an option to choose your preferred language.

What happens after I complete the survey?

Boston Pizza appreciates your feedback!  Once submitted, your answers are used anonymously to improve the overall customer experience.  In some cases, you may be presented with an offer or coupon upon completing the survey.

I have a question or comment that isn’t covered by the survey. How can I reach Boston Pizza?

For any questions or concerns outside the scope of the survey, you can visit the Boston Pizza Contact Us page ; They offer various options to get in touch, including a feedback form and regional office contact information.

Is the survey anonymous?

Yes, Boston Pizza strives to collect honest feedback, and your survey responses are anonymous.


By participating in the Boston Pizza Customer Satisfaction Survey, you’re contributing to a better dining experience for yourself and future patrons.  So, grab your receipt, head to www.tellbostonpizza.com [invalid URL removed], and share your voice!

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